Dietary Recommendations

Dietary Recommendations for Your Dog and/or Cat

We would like to provide you with the latest nutritional information to keep your pet(s) healthy. Following the leas of the specialists (including those at the University of Minnesota, College of Veterinary Medicine) we highly recommend all pet owners transition their pet(s) off the following types of diets.

1. Boutique, Exotic and Grain-free diets (BEG)

Boutique (made by small manufacturers, who often do not have a veterinary nutritionist on staff). Exotic sources of protein  (Alligator, Duck, Kangaroo etc.) and plants (lentils, peas, chickpeas, fava, tapioca etc.) and Grain-free diets are NOT recommended for your pet.

Recently, the FDA has been investing a correlation between boutique, exotic and grain-free diets (BEG diets) and heart disease. Board certified cardiologists and nutritionists are working together to find the link between these diets and Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM).  This condition causes enlargement of the heart, which then cannot pump blood effectively. The exact cause of this correlation is still being researched. Because of the uncertainty regarding the underlying cause of heart disease associated with these diets, many specialists are recommending these diets NOT be fed at this time.  

For more information, see the following online references:

          University of California-Davis                  Grain Free Diets

           North Carolina State Univeristy               Heart Disease  (This will download as a PDF)

           PLOS ONE Peer Reviewed Articles         Taurine Deficiency Diets

2. Raw or under cooked meat diets can cause dangerous bacterial infections (food poisoning) in both pets and the people handling the food. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration), CDC (Center for Disease Control) and AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) all recommend against feeding raw diets to pets have also NOT been proven to have more nutrional value than commercial dog foods, and in fact may have more nutrional imbalances according to the ACVN (Amercian College of Veterinary Nutritionists). 

For more information see the following online reference:

           Raw Pet Food

We would encourage you to feed a diet with grain produced by a well known company who empolys veterinary nutritonists. The World Small Animal Association (WSAVA) recommends. 

Selecting The Best Food For Your Pet  ( This is a PDF so it will download to your computer)

Consider transitioning to a VOHC (Veterinary Oral Health Council) approved dental diet to provide good nutrition and oral health care. 

        Accepted Products For Dogs or Accepted Products For Cats


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In case of an after hours emergency, please call the Emergency Veterinarians listed below:

Oakdale: 651-501-3766 | St. Paul: 651-293-1800

Blaine: 763-754-5000 | Golden Valley: 763-529-6560
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